Scrum Alliance

Hoy revisando mis mails, vi que mi membresía en el scrum alliance finalizó.
Por ahora lo dejare en stand-by porque el dinero no sobra.

Lo que sí me di con la sorpresa que había un examen y bueno lo dí, y aprobé.

Bueno la puesta en práctica ayuda mucho. Eso si necesito ver mas de burdown charts jajaja.


Thank you for taking the CSM Course Evaluation

Congratulations! You are now a Certified ScrumMaster. Your high score indicates a solid understanding of the basics of Scrum. As you continue to study and begin to practice Scrum on your own projects, be sure to send us articles about how it went and to read about what others are doing to overcome common obstacles. You're well on your way to becoming a Certified Scrum Professional!

CSM Course Evaluation Results

Scrum Terminology
Scrum Principles
Scrum Practices

Jose Amadeo Martin J. Diaz Diaz

Certification #: 43605

Evaluation Completed on 04/26/2011

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